Did you know your marriage has a purpose?

Did you know your marriage has a purpose?
I'm not talking a general purpose, but I'm talking one that was made for JUST YOU TWO, one that combines your strengths and weaknesses into the covenant of marriage for the world to see.
I'm talking a purpose to work as a team, refine one another humbly, and to display the wonder of God's never-ending love.

We're human. We fall short. 
But a thriving legacy that overflows into strong, joyful, confident generations to follow?
That's doable.
But are you ready to do the work?

Are you writing a legacy that's truly worth falling for?

Here's the thing:

Feeling disconnected doesn't mean you're not in love.

Connection takes work.

Work requires commitment, communication, and community (a.k.a. ASKING FOR HELP.)

Our Legacy

the heart behind my passion for marriage

“Marriages make something invisible visible to the world.”

-Brave Marriage Podcast 

the giddiness

Pack your sunscreen: Maui, Hawaii is at the top

Austin has some cute Air B&Bs

Europe--specifically Spain, Germany or Italy 

From TX? Fredericksburg for sure 

Oo la la take me to St. Lucia! 

travel spots for couples

in the us

on a budget


road trip


ready for an adventure?

"All because two people fell in love and decided to work really hard to stay that way.”

-Lindsay Letters

the grind

Local & online Dallas counselor resources

The work that wins 

The Brave Marriage Online Couple’s Coaching

Aspen Haus

Travis Hebert Counseling

what i wish i'd known as a newlywed


Date nights came easy when we were dating. I wish someone had told us to prioritize and plan weekly date nights--whether on a budget and creatively at home or out on the town seeing new sites. It sounds so simple, but when the tides of life, kids and everything else take over, it’s good to have this habit set.




what i wish i'd known as a newlywed

I wish I’d known it was okay to FEEL. I felt like I learned this through various seasons--specifically the hard ones. Opening up, not suppressing but expressing ourselves brought us through some of the hardest seasons of our marriage. 




what i wish i'd known as a newlywed

Umm...communicating! On the same note, I wish I’d known that sharing how you really feel--when you feel it--is actually better than either letting it fizzle or assuming your spouse will figure it out. Whether you’re happy, sad, uncomfortable with a decision, voice it. Boy, we’d have avoided so many lousy nights had I been good at this day 1!




what i wish i'd known as a newlywed

Consequently, I wish I’d learned the “I feel ____ when ____”. We learned after our married years that when conflict arises, it’s best to address from your perspective (“I felt sad when my birthday was forgotten”) rather than accusatory (“you forgot my birthday”.) When you communicate with “I” first and not “you”, it’s actually a total win-win.




what i wish i'd known as a newlywed

I wish I’d known the importance of continual self care and discovery--learning more about yourself, what you need to thrive and sharing that with your spouse is vital. It was probably one of the best things for a counselor to 1) point out the differences in our personalities 2) tell us that they were okay and 3) help us find and prioritize “self care”. I wish we’d known earlier how to guard this time for ourselves and each other so that we could love one another and others better. 




what i wish i'd known as a newlywed

On that note, I wish we’d known our Enneagram #s sooner! We are probably as opposite as they get: I’m a 2, and Jordan is a 5. Basically, I thrive on helping others and connectivity while Jordan is self-sufficient, independent and refuels from being by himself. Yikes! 




what i wish i'd known as a newlywed

And piggy-backing off of THAT, I wish more people, including ourselves 5 years ago, knew that counseling was for everyone - not just when the house is burning down. A counselor helped us navigate the differences of our personalities, equipped us with communication tools and essentially breathed hope and joy back into our marriage. 


“Getting married is easy. Staying married is more difficult. Staying happily married for a lifetime is among the fine arts.”

-Roberta Flack 

the goals

Psst.. want a peek? 

Take a look inside my camera bag and download a list of:
-my go-to lenses
-when I use them and why
-the essential accessories inside my bag!