April 10, 2019
As many of you know, I’m 37+ weeks pregnant and due…any minute now! But I JUST finished up my photography season before my maternity leave, and I reeeeally wanted to make sure I turned around these sessions FAST. I wanted to have time to REST afterward while we wait to meet our baby girl.
And between 32-36 weeks, I had 8 sessions and 3 weddings–basically, wedding season started, everything started to bloom, and I had a small window to fit in so many of my couple’s engagement sessions!
So I leaned on my WORKFLOW. I turned around sessions and weddings within record timing.
Literally: I photographed, culled, edited and delivered sessions within 1 – 3 days–with 18 hours being the quickest!
I mean, can you image how it would feel to photograph a session and turn it around in the next DAY?
Because of our situation (several sessions back-to-back before maternity leave), I chose to cull my sessions as soon as I got home (took 15-20 minutes total) and edit most of them the next morning, if not the following day.
While I typically choose to unplug at night and not work after sessions, I chose differently just for this specific season. I worked a little outside of my normal work hours, and I do NOT regret it. Here I am now: waiting for baby girl, and….spending too much at Target with my free time! Eeep!!
I had 3 weddings in a row, and turned those around in 1.5 weeks.
I don’t say this to brag, but I do share this so that you know it’s POSSIBLE.
And this workflow? THIS gave me PEACE, CONFIDENCE and TIME with my family as we prepare for and relax before baby girl.
I would LOVE for you to experience this ease, and I’m 100% confident that The Lightroom Editing Course will teach you how to edit efficiently, and The Editing Workflow Course will help streamline your organization upon editing.
All in and ready to go? The Editing Bundle will rock your socks off.
And give you the jazz hands that I had the next morning when I delivered my LAST GALLERY before MATERNITY LEAVE!
If you purchase before Tuesday, April 16th, you’ll receive $2o off the Workflow Course, $30 off the Editing Course and FIFTY dollars off the Bundle!
Really though, can I give you the key to this editing ease?!
Not quite sure yet, hit “reply”, and let’s chat!
And guys, don’t miss my Instagram GIVEAWAY (The Bundle + a 30-minute Coaching Call pertaining to editing!). Enter HERE!