Aubrey is HERE & That Makes Four | 4 17 19

April 26, 2019

Our baby girl is here, and I am just overwhelmed with so many emotions–so grateful, in love, sad that time is already flying so quickly and just full of joy.

She is a true miracle right in front of our eyes–in these photos and in front of me sleeping as I type this. She is the perfect example of God’s grace over our lives, and we truly try to comprehend what blessings that children are.

Just like Lukes’, I love Aubrey’s story. I love how she entered the world, how she met us, our family and especially Luke, because that’s her story. 

And that’s so much so why I LOVE hospital photos–like I ADORE them. I like being able to see our luggage in the background, the bed I was in, the wires hooked up to me, the STUNNING bouquet of flower that my mother-in-law and mama carried in (along with champagne flutes, champagne AND a mini bundt birthday cake) every little detail that added up to the experience in that room.

The taquito leading up to her story… (we laugh about this now)

I had a c-section scheduled for 4/17/19 at noon because of complications I had delivering Luke, so we chose to avoid them second time around.


I got a phone call that morning as we were getting Luke ready for Mother’s Day Out that the hospital was busy, and I’d be pushed back into the afternoon–#pregnant&starving.

My first question (though, I was bummed to wait any longer once our mental game was already there) was, “how do I not starve?”

Because you know, when you have surgery, you aren’t supposed to eat before. So they said, “I’m sure it won’t be until 5:00, so go ahead and have breakfast”.

Jordan and I dropped Luke off at MDO, picked up Whataburger taquitos, and as soon as I finished, I got a phone call asking if I was ready and if I’d eaten breakfast–wait WHAT. You mean, I could actually have this baby SOON?! As planned?!

Next–my own doctor calls to ask me if I’d eaten a taquito.

Long story short: I wasn’t supposed to have a baby around noon on 4/17. And now my OB-GYN thinks I’m crazy.

Hahaha so when we got to the hospital around 3:00 pm, allllll the nurses and everyone knew about the taquito saga, and we all had to laugh about it afterward. Apparently there was a miscommunication, and I shouldn’t have eaten the dang taquito. But hey, Aubrey girl was supposed to come into this world at 5:22 pm on 4/17/19, and we laugh about it now when we think about how our day looked.

No, Dr. Salter, I didn’t just wake up on my c-section day and think, “eh, screw the no-food-rule; I’ma eat a taquito”.  🙂

We were able to pick Luke up from MDO, hug him one more time and get both of our cars parked under the parking garage (because there were big storms in the forecast for that night). However, no hail and no disastrous storms–only sweet storms that I got to listen to in the wee hours of the morning while I cuddled Aubrey and Jordan slept, because I just can’t sleep longer than 30-minute stretches after birthing babies apparently–doesn’t matter WHAT meds I have. 🙂

But I LOVE it. The naps come later, and Jordan was the most fabulous nurse–telling me to nap, charting my meds so that I stayed on top of the pain, changing Aubrey’s diapers, communicating with doctors, scheduling appointments, literally everything little thing in between–he kept us all afloat. And I could write one long sappy blog post just about Jordan, but I’ll save you and continue to tell Jordan how precious he is.

MEET AUBREY JEAN.  Jordan and I simply just fell in love with the name Aubrey (not much more sentimental than that), and her middle name is a strong maternal name on Jordan’s side of the family–his mother and grandmother share the same middle name, and we immediately knew our baby girl would be Aubrey Jean.

As you scroll, you’ll see Luke meeting her, holding her, gifting her (and receiving gifts from her), family meeting her and the most precious moments as we welcomed our baby girl into the world.

Family met her between 7:30-8:30 that night, so Jordan popped a soft flash on my camera, captured Luke meeting her and then my sister-in-law confidently (you go CLAIRE) picked up the camera and started firing the rest of the time, which I am FOREVER GRATEFUL FOR. Claire, thank you!! Jordan, you’re a J of all trades!

The next morning, Lauren came to photograph us as we were still so in love with our new addition, and for THAT I am so GRATEFUL!

Enough words, let the pictures do the talking:


Luke got to spend the better part of the afternoon with his aunties and uncle (grandparents, as well!) They had a pizza party to celebrate Aubrey’s 5:22 pm arrival, and then the grandparents came to meet her first! Moments later, the aunts and uncles arrived with Luke, and it turns out, they gave Luke the sweetest (funniest tattoo) to welcome his baby sister!

He seemed proud!!

And I was shocked, as you can see by my face! Haha! LOVE IT.

These photos are literally my favorite to date. Seeing Luke so enamored by his baby sister will forever be one of the most precious moments I’ve ever witnessed.

Luke got to give Aubrey her very own Popo which is what Jordan had as a kid and what Luke has and LOVES. Luke’s is a soft lovey bear, and Aubrey has a soft lovey lamb. Luke was VERY EXCITED to give her her own Popo, and he was EVEN MORE excited that Aubrey was sweet enough to remember him–she brought him cars! 😉

And he thought she was awesome for that!


Always my sweet cuddle bubba–I’ve probably been a little over-sensitive to really wanting to make sure he has felt loved and not forgotten even though his little world as very much so been rocked.

He happily cuddled with me just hours after his baby sister entered the world and grabbed my face the same sweet way he always does. I, on the other hand, was nauseous and itchy from the meds they had me on, but thankfully, I was coherent and present for the moment of the family meeting Aubrey–especially Luke!

The next morning in the hospital, my good friend Lauren of Lauren Guy Photography came by to not only meet Aubrey but snap photos of us with our darling girl that I’ll cherish forever! When Luke was born, she came to the hospital to meet Luke and sneakily brought her camera, and THOSE photos of us–me in my hospital gown, messy bun, glasses and baby Lukey in arms are my FAVORITE.

I had no idea how precious these hospital photos would be to me, so having her come back to photograph Aubrey’s arrival was such a GIFT.



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Copyright Lindsay Davenport Photography | branding + Site design by b is for bonnie design

Lindsay Davenport is a newborn and motherhood photographer + educator based in Dallas and available for travel worldwide.

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