May 8, 2019
Oh Lordy.
Having this gallery delivered right in between my birthday and Mother’s Day is quite a gift!
We took these photos with Liz Novi Photography when Aubrey was exactly 2 weeks old (HAMU by Tease to Please), and we received them 1 week later while she’s 3 weeks, and you guys, time is FLYING.
Thank goodness for the phrase and reality: “take a picture; it’ll last longer”.
My dad always used to say that when I was a little girl and would be staring off into the distance (Luke got this from me hahah). But as I’ve become a photographer and a mom, I GET THIS.
I’m so grateful for these memories frozen in time, and Liz did an incredible job!
We’ve only known Aubrey for 3 weeks, but what we know about her is that she is so sweet. When she was born, we were told she had strawberry blonde hair, and I do think we’re starting to see more of it! She has very light eyelashes and eyebrows right now with some blue eyes on their way to matching Daddy’s! She is so calm, so relaxed, so happy to sleep–which also sounds s0 much like her daddy. We always said that we’d be able to tell if Aubrey took after her mom or dad’s personality, because Luke seems to have the energy that his mama did at his age. And Aubrey seems to welcome Luke’s energy, noise and shenanigans!
Basically, Jordan has smiled and said, “you’re welcome”, with a little chuckle as Aubrey sleeps the days away.
As calm and go-with-the-flow as our girl is–sweet thing wants to stop and stare, be a little angel *awake* baby right after her feeds in the middle of the night. So she may wake up once to eat, BUT she may be up for 1.5-2 hours until she’s sleepy again, and…it kills me.
BUT at the same time, I’m like, hey girl. You cute.
So we’re over here loving learning who she is while trying to rest when we can.
Luke is still in love with her.
Daddy is enamored by her.
And we have been so grateful for adjusting to life as a family of 4 with both of our maternity and paternity leaves.
I think it’s safe to say that mama is going to have as hard (or harder) time than Luke when Daddy goes back to work next week.
*tee hee*
Also. Luke picking and giving Aubrey a flower….I’m DEAD. Luke, I love you buddy!