April 1, 2020
Day 2!
….comin’ atcha!
Video #2 is ready, and in THIS particular video, Luke is baking brownies in our badly-lit kitchen on a rainy day outside while I photograph him.
I don’t use a flash. I don’t strive for perfection.
*Also, I don’t strive for hygiene in this video hahaha*
I simply just aim to capture a sweet, candid moment that may otherwise be fleeting if I run for all the gear I’d need to make it perfect.
I hope you feel encouraged in this video to simply just DO IT. Pick your camera up and go. Stretch yourself. Capture the sweetness. I loved getting a text from a friend yesterday with a “before” and “after” of her sweet little babe after she made edits!
Cheering you on from my home!
Tomorrow’s video will take place outside in a different lighting situation than the first two videos which have been inside.
*PS offer always stands: please reach out if you have any questions!
Relatable links:
Davenports Do Quarantine: Day 1 Video
*Use code GETCREATIVE through 4/4 to get each course for $50 each