Quarantine has had a silver lining for us. There have been a few toys or activities that have stood out to me as being AMAZING for us and totally worth sharing for others during their time at home. Not to mention, a few of these are killer for road trips. I’ve started to see so […]
Alright, truth be told, I’ve had a hard time starting this blog post, because I’m not sure where to start or how to share it. To most of you, this won’t seem like a big deal, but for me, I have had so many feels about what I’m about to share. Going for it: we […]
Today. Oh, sweet Aubrey, today you turn 1. I remember this day last year: taquitos. lol We were so anxious to meet you. We planned to wake up, take Luke to school and go in to have a scheduled C-section, but we got a phone call saying it would need to be pushed back. Already hungry […]
This past weekend, I traveled home to clean out my childhood bedroom and help my parents pack to move from New Mexico to Texas. There’s almost too much joy held in that statement that it makes it difficult to explain the sadness it holds, as well. There are so many emotions to unpack here. While […]
Oh Lordy. Having this gallery delivered right in between my birthday and Mother’s Day is quite a gift! We took these photos with Liz Novi Photography when Aubrey was exactly 2 weeks old (HAMU by Tease to Please), and we received them 1 week later while she’s 3 weeks, and you guys, time is FLYING. […]
Our baby girl is here, and I am just overwhelmed with so many emotions–so grateful, in love, sad that time is already flying so quickly and just full of joy. She is a true miracle right in front of our eyes–in these photos and in front of me sleeping as I type this. She is […]
When your Auntie Claire gets you matching Vans, an impromptu photo shoot is a MUST! I’m seriously so grateful for the way Luke is loved by ALL of his family! It’s such an answer to prayer! We’re not in this thing alone, and the sweet thing is–he loves them back just the same! Dying over […]
We can’t wait to meet this (already) active baby girl next month. I’m grateful for my husband Jordan who can whip out a few photos for us to save and remember this season with! And let’s just say that this is how a maternity session goes with a 2-year old 😉 I honestly LOVE that […]
I’m staring at my blinking cursor just thinking, “do I even have the words to explain exactly how I’m feeling right now?” BAHHH!!!!!&*$$%#*#&** This brand reveal + website launch is BIG. It’s not just big to me, but it was a big undertaking. It took big planning. It took big prayers. And it took not […]
Okay, this post is going to give me all the warm and fuzzies. Let me first start out by saying that this is SO MY PERSONALITY. At my core, I thrive and desire connection with others, and I hope my home feels cozy, warm and inviting. While I have had much inspiration from Emily Ley’s […]
Copyright Lindsay Davenport Photography | branding + Site design by b is for bonnie design
Lindsay Davenport is a newborn and motherhood photographer + educator based in Dallas and available for travel worldwide.
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